Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Tuesday Thingers (and a personal note)

When it comes to LT (and your blog), do you review every book you read? Do you just review Early Reviewers or ARCs? Do you review only if you like a book, or only if you feel like you have to? How soon after reading do you post your review? Do you post them other places- other social networking sites, Amazon, etc.?

I've been writing reviews of ARCs since I moved to Blogger this summer and started accepting review copies from publishers outside of LibraryThing. I post reviews as soon as possible after reading the book, including non-ARCs that I've really enjoyed. I put each review on several sites, such as LT, Amazon.ca. , Chapters.ca, Barnes & Nobles, Powell's Books, and Goodreads. I like the publicist or author to feel that they're getting good exposure.

BUT...I am not enjoying blogging about books as much as I did when I simply recommended good books with a sentence or two and a starred rating. This is what I did for years and I have to return to doing so because my personal circumstances haven't allowed me to do much for some weeks now.

I am disabled by poor health and confined at home. I require professional assistance just to bathe and dress. I have a lot of time on my hands but reading is the only activity I can engage in. I read an average of a book each day, except at those times when my mind is mush. Pain prevents me from spending long stretches at the computer and is not conducive to creative thinking either. So no more full reviews from me. Good fiction reading recommendations , doing reading challenges, commenting, and answering questions is all I can manage . I hope my readers will continue to ask about and recommend good books. And I will still have giveaways now and then.


  1. Recommendations are good - sometimes blog reviews are just too long (some of mine are anyway)and really all I want to know is just a bit about what a book's about and will I enjoy it.

  2. I have been thinking why there has been no post at all from You. I am sorry to hear about your health, I hope you get better soon.

  3. I agree that short reviews can be just as good as long ones - there is something to be said for getting straight to the point!

  4. Good Morning Sandra. For a long time all I did was recommend books but started getting a little more serious with writing reviews this year. And I agree the shorter reviews can be just as good as one long one. Hope you have a great day.

  5. I'm so sorry to hear about your health difficulties. There is no magic formula for book reviews - sometimes short and sweet is great!

  6. my condolences on your recent health troubles. I hope that the pain eases for you.

    in the meantime, do what you love and review books in any way possible.

  7. Thanks for sharing that with us, Sandra. We're just happy to have you here as part of the community, in whatever form your blog takes. And who doesn't love good, short recommendations every now and then?

  8. This is my first visit to your blog. I am sorry to hear of your health problems.
    Sometimes short & sweet recommendations are just the thing! It all has it's place.

  9. I actually enjoy the shorter reveiws. I hope you are feeling better soon!

  10. Sandra, I'm so sorry to hear of your health troubles. Obviously the thing to do is to take care of yourself first! Everything else is secondary. I'll look forward to your book recommendations in whatever form they take!

  11. I don't even have health problems and I have a hard time keeping up. I understand wanting to enjoy the process more. I'll still be here reading what you have to say! (And I hope that you feel better.)

  12. I'm sorry to hear about your health issues.

    I do know how you feel about the shorter reviews and simply recommending good books. Sometimes I think that's so much better.

    Hugs to you!

  13. Sandra - I hope this finds you a little better. Please do what you are comfortable with and not what you think others expect of you. A few lines about a book are just as good as a long winded review. "I loved it because it made me laugh out loud" would be review enough for me to further investigate. Take care, you are in my thoughts.

  14. Hi Sandra- I just dropped in to let you know that PBS is paperbackswap.com. It's a site sort of like Bookmooch only their system works a bit differently.


  15. I think short and simple is just as good - especially when you can trust the source! I look forward to your recommendations and hope you start feeling better.

    :) Wendi

    Here's my Thinger!

  16. I for one like reading short reviews and I especially like writing the shorter reviews as I am not a great literary critic. I like the book; I don't like the book! ;) My heavens, this is your blog--you should do what YOU want to do on it and with no apologies.

    I am sorry about your health and hope you can find new ways to relieve your pain.
    Happy Tuesday!

  17. I'm sorry to hear about your health problems. I agree with what everyone else has said so far that there is nothing wrong with short reviews, and that how you review is completely up to you. My reviews are a bit longer than when I first started blogging, but still tend on the short side compared to many who write well thought out long reviews. I realised that's just not me though so I'll continue to do it my way. I have to admit that sometimes I skim through the long ones anyways. :P
    Take care of yourself.

  18. I usually only do short reviews. I post a blurb from the back cover or flap and then a few lines of personal review. I've decided to do fewer ARCs in the coming year. I prefer to give a recommendation instead of review.



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