Monday, January 12, 2009

Mailbox Monday

Mailbox Monday is hosted by Marcia at The Printed Page.

Finally, the ARCs have stopped coming after two months of not requesting any. I will still write reviews of literary fiction when I can, or tag reviews when I can't do full reviews, and guests reviews.

I did get one book in the mail this week:

Going Down South by Bonnie J. Glover

Won at J. Kaye's Book Blog, thank you J. Kaye.

I noticed that I've been at Bookmooch for two years now and have sent out 301 books, while mooching 414. My husband was happy to hear about the 301 outgoing, he didn't think to ask about traffic the other way.

None came in from Bookmooch this week, also a first, so the outgoing books are:

Breaking and Entering: New and selected poems by Len Gasparini
The Impossible Promised Land: Poems new and selected Seymour Mayne

These are both Canadian poetry and are on their way to the US.

The Empress of Pleasure: The Life and Adventures of Teresa Cornelys, Queen of Masquerades and Casanova's Lover by Judith Summers

(The stuff some people give you when they know you read books), it's on it's way to the UK.

Past acquisitions from Bookmooch:

The Justification of Johann Gutenberg by Blake Morrison
98 Reasons For Being by Clare Dudman
Four Meals by Meir Shalev
The Character of Rain***** by Amelie Nothomb

My Bookmooch ID is Sandra F. I mail internationally, often by least expensive rate. If you are willing to send to Canada and books do not smell of cigarette smoke leave me your id (or email it) and I'll look at your inventory.

If no books arrive in any given week, in lieu of Mailbox Monday I'll do Short Story Monday, hosted by John at The Book Mine Set. "Review a single short story, a collection of short stories, or even try your hand at writing your very own. Basically, any short story themed post would work."
What goodies came into your house last week?


  1. You are very welcome. :) Glad it arrived safely.

  2. I am reading short stories by Eudora Welty right now. Will post my review soon. I love short stories.

    My mailbox

  3. Did not get anything in the mail, but I did buy Linda Gerber's novel Now and Zen because she is visiting me this week!

  4. I've read several reviews of GOING DOWN SOUTH and it sounds really good.

  5. I actually started a new blog for all things non-american and this is what i got:

    It is funny how you send less then you get back on bookmooch. I love it though!


  6. I belong to Paperback Swap, and occasionally my husband tells me that I've gotten more books than I've mailed out. I have to bring up my page to show him that 100 more books have gone out than have come in!

  7. I love Bookmooch! :-) Nuthin' in the mail for me- I've all but stopped requesting ARCs and just gonna try to work through my Christmas slush pile :-)

  8. wow...what a great bunch of books headed out....i really should check out bookmooch one of these days...though my hubby may disown me if I do.

  9. I too have had a very slow few weeks...but I will admit that I have a hard time breaking the ARC requests.
    I say I will hold off and thn I willl see something interesting and before you know it, off an e-mail is going...

    I am a book

  10. Caite - you need to join me in an arcoholic meeting!
    Reading SA e mail this morning, I had to hit delete before I got too crazy. Mt. TBRC is getting higher and higher.

  11. I haven't given up on ARCs, but I have been trying to cut back a little bit. I don't know how successful I'm going to be - they're so tempting.

  12. I still haven't joined BookMooch although maybe that should be one of my resolutions for 2009.

    I recently got The Character of Rain and am looking forward to reading more by Amelie.

  13. bookmooch sounds like another addiction that I could really get into!!

  14. I received a new Everyman edition of Richard Yates's "Revolutionary Road," "The Easter Parade," and "11 Kinds of Loneliness." Great stuff.

  15. I was disappointed that I'm not able to do the PaperbackSwap because I'm in Canada, but then someone (J. Kaye, I think) suggested Bookmooch, and I've been meaning to get set up there. Now that I've read your post, I'm definitely going to get on board there, and sooner rather than later!

  16. Congrats on your win!

    I've never used Bookmooch! Is shipping internationally hard? I've always shied away from it out of ignorance!

    Here's my Mailbox!

    :) Wendi

  17. *Belle @ MsBookish:
    I also use Readers United, members there will ship to Canada. try
    * Wendi B.:
    Any US post office will tell you the rates for Canada and ship it for you. Just be sure you find out the cheapest ways to send, they have better deals for sending more than one in a pkg. for example.
    Sending to Canada requires a customs form (we have to do it to send to the States too), you fill it out at the post office, just what the contents are worth, and check off a couple of boxes. It's really easy once you've done it. And any experienced US moocher or book blogger can probably tell you what you need to know about rates too.:)

  18. I haven't looked into Bookmooch, but I've listed (and received) items from PaperbackSwap. I don't have much listed, though ... maybe this is a good nudge to try to clear off a shelf.

  19. Thank you for stopping by the 'mailbox' this week. Enjoy your book!



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