Thursday, July 30, 2009

Japanese Literature Challenge 3

Hosted by Bellezza at Dolce Bellezza.

July 30, 2009 - January 30, 2010.

Read at least one work of Japanese origin.

Books on hand, with those completed highlighted or linked to reviews:

Translucent Tree by Nobuko Takagi
The Housekeeper and the Professor by Yoko Ogawa
The Woman in the Dunes by Kobo Abe

The 210th Day by Natsume Soseki

Shipwrecks***** by Akira Yoshimura
Why She Left Us by by Rahna Reiko Rizzuto
In Praise of Shadows by Junichiro Tanizaki

The Samurai's Garden by Gail Tsukiyama

The Sound of the Mountain by Yasunari Kawabata

The Master of Go by Yasunari Kawabata

The Decay of the Angel by Yukio Mishima

Spring Snow by Yukio Mishima

Runaway Horses by Yukio Mishima
The Temple of Dawn by Yukio Mishima
The Samurai by Shusaku Endo
The Twilight Years by Sawako Ariyoshi
Japan, the Beautiful and Myself by Yasunari Kawabata

Strangers From a Different Shore by Ronald Takaki

The Strangeness of Beauty by Lydia Yuri Minatoya

Recommendations of good literary fiction in this or any other category are always welcomed.


  1. I would highly recommend "The Housekeeper and the Professor" by Yoko Ogawa

  2. Awesome list Sandra! I too am interested in reading Kawabata's Master of Go. I'll probably add it later when I don't find his other works (I'm looking for this short story collections). Happy reading :)

  3. What an interesting challenge. I am intrigued by this one,I will definitely go and have a look. Your list looks awesome.

  4. Oh my goodness: so many books that I haven't heard of to look out for! I am excited to read your reviews.

    Spring Snow was one I considered but I don't have a copy and the same with The Housekeeper and the Professor, which I forgot about and many have to borrow again from the library.

  5. Wow, you have such a great list!!! I've been interested in The Master of Go for the last two years, so hopefully I can pick that up in the next six months. I'm glad you're joining in!

  6. What an impressive list of books. I hope whatever you choose to read that you have a wonderful time with the challenge.

  7. What a list to choose from!! I would like to read the Housekeeper and the Professor..heard good things about that one. I'm ashamed to say that I haven't heard of the others!! But that's one of the reasons why I love your blog and your book enlighten me!!

  8. Great list, Sandra! I've read The Samurai's Garden and The Sound of the Mountain, and loved both. Am reading THe Housekeeper and the Professor for the challenge, too! I notice you don't have Kenzaburo Oe on your list, I recommend him!

  9. *Beverly-Thank you for letting me know that. When money is tight I hate to find out I've purchased a dud.
    *Staci-I've just had more years and illness which has given me the luxury of time to read that people like yourself don't get. I'd bet you've read classics that I never got to. You flatter me, but thank you.
    *Claire-Glad to know those two books are good. And I love Oe! I've read two of his now and I'd sneak more in for the challenge but I'm determined to read some of these from my shelves first. Maybe that could be my reward for catching up on my reviews.:)

  10. Great list, Sandra!
    I might consider joining this! ;)

  11. if it is just one book, I will join it :D

    I have "Remains of the Day" - which I need to read!

    God! I have not heard of half of the books!

  12. Haven't read any of these. My readings had been popular fiction and not the classics. But now I am reading more of African Authors, however, if I come across any of these I would buy and read. Thanks for the list. Hope they are as great as they sound.

  13. What a great list! I've heard of many of them but have only read one, The Samurai's Garden. It was quite a few years ago now but I remember it being a lovely book. I hope you find some great ones and I look forward to hearing about them.

  14. That's an amazing list - so many titles I haven't heard of. I'm keeping it easy and going for two fairly popular books: Out and Kafka On The Shore.

    However, after seeing your post, I might end up re-visiting my list!

    Best of luck and looking forward to reading your thoughts on the books.



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